Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Highland Games

So, this guy's name is Matt Doherty and that rock is apparently 98 lbs. which is, admittedly, unbelievable but I believe him because I wasn't about to pick up that rock and see. I had told him I wanted a picture of him holding the rock and he picks up this itty bitty little thing that might have weighed 2 lbs. and I was like "not that little thing, the big one."He managed to throw that thing 14.1 ft, which is amazing.
This is only some of the pictures, I'll have more on Facebook.


Krystin said...

such cute Irish step-dancers...that'll be Aerin one day.
Dude, don't you weigh like the same amount as that rock??? lol

Wren said...

Nope, sorry Krystin. I weigh 132 lbs. not 98 lbs, too bad, though. I was like 13 when I weighed 98 lbs.