Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ok, so not much new is going on in my life right now. But let's see if I can find something worth writing about. Ok, the ward campout on Aug. 22-23 was amazing. It's a month late, but better late than never, right? We went to Cadomin Caves. Here are a few pics.

The entrance to the cave. Dadada.

That was a really steep part. You had to climb up on your hands and knees it was so steep.

We named this Golom's Cave.

Group photo of the girls.

Group photo of the boys.

I really liked this mountain, it made a very pretty picture.

Ok, a little more recent. Let's see. Work is good. The Relief Society broadcast was really good. I really Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk, it was a gooder. I think that's all, for now. I'll update more frequently from now on. It's good to set goals, even if you may not accomplish the goal. TTFN.


Krystin said...

Looks like it was fun...and that is a very pretty picture of the mountain.

Helen Gwilliam said...

Woaaaaa!!!! Looks fun! Laurenne - I love you. Thanks for babysitting me last night. This is from Heather.